Although you may need the money and prefer to settle your case as quickly as possible, you do not want to get “shorted” on the compensation your rightfully deserve. Resist the temptation of quick money to ensure that you receive every penny you are entitled. A risk-free way of doing this is with lawsuit funding.
Lawsuit funding is a simple solution to help plaintiffs get back on their feet financially, so that they can pay their bills, buy groceries and live comfortably while awaiting settlement. Once a plaintiff is represented by and attorney and the lawsuit has been filed, it is time to consider one’s financial situation. Auto accident lawsuit funding is an emergency cash advance for plaintiffs who need to pay the bills during a lengthy litigation. In fact, it may be the only financially sound way to fight the insurance company deny, delay and defend tactics.
What is required to qualify for a lawsuit cash advance? All you need is attorney representation and a strong case. After completing a funding application, your attorney will provide the information necessary to determine if your case is approved and for how much. Credit checks and employment status do not matter. There are no upfront fees or monthly payments. You only repay the money once you settle your case, at which time your attorney will pay us from the case proceeds. So, no money ever directly leaves your pocket. Auto accident lawsuit funding is provided on a non-recourse basis, meaning if you fail to win your case, you are not required to repay the advance.
Have you been injured in a car accident, and now find it impossible to pay the bills? Call Lawsuit Financial toll free at 1-877-377-SUIT (7848) or visit us online to if you would like to apply for lawsuit funding or wish to simple request additional information.
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