Friday, January 8, 2016

Record-Setting Judgment In Wrongful-Death Lawsuit For Medical Misdiagnosis

When a medical professional misdiagnoses a patient’s symptoms, it can often leading to a course of treatment that is inappropriate, even dangerous. If any harm resulting from a medical misdiagnosis could have been prevented, the patient may have a viable medical malpractice lawsuit. To understand your legal rights, it is important to contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney. Once the litigation process is underway, a lawsuit cash advance can help pay the bills until justice is done and compensation is received.

An Illinois jury recently awarded $950,000 in damages to the family of a 73-year-old man who died at a Gibson City hospital following the misdiagnosis of his medical condition. The patient was treated in the emergency room on October 6 and 7, 2008 complaining of chest pains. He was diagnosed with a peptic ulcer, released, and told to follow up with his primary care physician. He was subsequently admitted to the hospital on October 9, under the care of his primary care physician. The lawsuit alleged the physician failed to order appropriate tests and refer the patient to a cardiologist. The patient died in the medical/surgical unit six days after he originally sought treatment. A subsequent autopsy showed no ulcer and that the cause of his death was actually “hemo-pericardium with a transmural rupture of the left ventricle.” The jury verdict was returned after only four hours of deliberation. It is the first and largest medical malpractice verdict returned by a jury in favor of a plaintiff in Ford County, according to the family’s attorney.

Such a lengthy litigation process is not uncommon for medical misdiagnosis lawsuits. Sadly, plaintiffs do not have the deep pockets like hospitals and insurance companies. They typically can’t afford to wait forever for a settlement without feeling some financial stress. Lawsuit Financial helps innocent victims like this family seek fair and just compensation for medical negligence. We provide lawsuit funding to help pay medical expenses and the plaintiff’s daily household bills until justice is served and compensation received. Unlike a bank loan, there are no credit checks, employment verifications, or monthly payments. All that is required for approval is a one-page application and case documentation from the plaintiff’s attorney. Best of all, our clients owe nothing until the case settled, at which time repayment is made from the proceeds of the case.

Don’t be forced into an unfair settlement. If you are in a pending lawsuit and have no other avenues of financial assistance, consider lawsuit funding. Contact Lawsuit Financial for a free no-obligation consultation or to apply.

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