Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Nursing Home Abuse Leads to Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Wrongful death lawsuits are typically filed by the family members of the deceased. Although nothing can heal the pain or bring a loved one back, bringing justice to those responsible for a wrongful death can bring peace of mind to the family and also help bring about change so others don’t suffer from the same wrongdoing. A wrongful death claim may also be the only way to recover the cost of medical care preceding death, funeral expenses, the lost financial contribution, and pain and suffering. Unfortunately, these types of cases typically take years to settle, during which time family members may have difficulties making ends meet. Financial distress is often alleviated when a family seeks lawsuit funding.

Here is an example to illustrate a wrongful death lawsuit and how lawsuit funding can help.

An elderly man was admitted to a rehabilitation center as part of his recovery from surgery. Due to his condition, he was on several medications and had a heart condition that made him a fall risk; the facility knew he was an at-risk patient for falling at the time of admission. One day, the patient was sitting in his recliner when he needed to use the restroom. As was his practice over the past week, he pressed the call button for nursing assistance. However, as time passed and his calls went unanswered, the man tried to reach his walker to go to the bathroom by himself. He was able to stand with the help of the chair, but after a few steps he fell hitting his head on the floor. As a result, the man sustained a brain bleed. Despite surgery, he passed away two days later. His family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the rehab center alleging that negligence caused the man’s death. The rehab center denied any wrongdoing and the case dragged on for two years before a settlement was reached.

Pre-settlement lawsuit funding can be an important tool in a wrongful death lawsuit such as this. With lawsuit funding, the family could focus on healing, rather than calculating expenses or worrying about how to pay their bills. The only qualification is a strong case with merit. Applying for funding is easy online or over the phone. A reputable company charges no upfront fees and no monthly payments; there are no credit checks or employment verifications. After case-evaluation, if approved for a lawsuit cash advance, funds can be available within 24 – 48 hours. Best of all, if the plaintiff loses his/her case the lawsuit funding company relinquishes the cash advance; the plaintiff owes nothing.

If your loved one was fatally injured by the negligence or wrongdoing of another and you need short-term cash, call Lawsuit Financial and learn how lawsuit funding can empower you to pursue your case to get the maximum settlement you deserve.

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