Monday, May 18, 2015

Lawsuit Funding is an Important Decision. Determine if it is Right for You.

A personal injury lawsuit can take a long time. A plaintiff might be unable to work, have mounting medical bills, mortgage or rent payments, or auto payments and unable to wait until a settlement is reached. Unfortunately, plaintiffs find that they can’t obtain traditional forms of finance in this time of need and there are very few options to force a defendant or insurance company to act quickly, even in a “clear cut” case. Defense attorneys and insurance companies know plaintiffs can’t wait forever for a settlement. They will often intentionally delay the process, knowing a cash-strapped plaintiff will usually accept a low settlement just to meet even basic needs. Lawsuit funding provides plaintiffs with another option enabling them to patiently wait for a fair settlement offer.

A legal finance company provides cash upfront in exchange for a share of your future settlement or court award. Unlike a traditional bank loan, which looks at your financial history, employment status and credit history, a legal finance company looks only at the strength of your case; bad credit, no credit, and unemployment does not matter. Furthermore, there are no upfront fees or monthly payments. This allows you to stay afloat longer, so you are not forced to accept an unreasonably low settlement offer. Best of all, with lawsuit funding, you only repay the advance if you win your case.  Lose, and the funding company completely waives repayment. 

Making the decision whether lawsuit funding is right for you should be made with care. Because legal funding is very expensive, it should only be used after serious consideration. Consult your attorney or other financial advisor while considering all options and understand not only the benefits, but the costs of lawsuit funding. Once you decide to pursue lawsuit funding, make sure you do not do business with a company that will not commit to adjusting rates to facilitate an appropriate settlement, if the final case circumstances dictate a compromised settlement. Make sure you ask questions before signing any contract with a lawsuit funding company.

About Us
Lawsuit Financial Corporation is a leader in the lawsuit funding industry and recognized by attorneys nationwide as a preferred choice for legal funding services. We are dedicated to securing lawsuit cash advances to plaintiffs based on case assessment only. Every case is thoroughly reviewed to ensure the highest probability of being funded. With a streamlined process, our professional staff works to ensure that each request for funding is processed quickly and efficiently, with funding available in as little as 24 hours. Lawsuit Financial prides itself on honest and exceptional customer service. Putting our clients, and their specific funding needs, first is our number one goal.

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