People place their loved ones in nursing homes every day, expecting a high standard of care. Yet, despite stringent standards, nursing home abuses and negligence leads to thousands of injuries and fatalities each year.
Often times, nursing home abuse may be the direct result of negligence and carelessness on the part of the staff or due to the lack of care and attention to residents. When a culture of a home is created that tolerates inadequate treatment, cutting corners, and the lack of respect for residents, it is only a matter of time before such negligence and abuse leads to more serious forms of illnesses, diseases and medical conditions. It can further lead to physical and mental deterioration, even death. Unfortunately, proving such negligence or abuse is difficult; it requires probing deeper into the situation. An experienced attorney cannot only help determine your rights for compensation, but taking legal action is an effective way to prevent such negligence from happening to others.
The financial and emotional roller coaster of a lawsuit is equally as painful as the loss. Most senior citizens live on fixed incomes; unplanned or unexpected expenses can have a devastating impact on finances. Victims do not want to conduct settlement negotiations when they are struggling financially, but quite often, plaintiffs need extra money to pay for funeral and burial expenses, medical care, new living accommodations, and more. Litigation funding can help victims and family members through the difficult financial issues facing them.
At Lawsuit Financial, we provide lawsuit cash advances to help plaintiffs bridge the financial gap and maintain a standard of living while giving their attorney the extra time needed to negotiate the largest, most appropriate settlement possible. We offer a quick and easy approval process - less than 48 hours. There are no upfront fees, monthly payments, credit checks or employment verifications. Litigation funding is a risk-free option because if our client loses the case the repayment is completely waived.
If a loved one suffered physical or emotional injuries because an assisted living facility or nursing home was negligent or failed to fulfill its care obligations, you may have grounds for a nursing home negligence case. Choosing the right attorney is a vitally important decision. If you do not know an attorney who specializes in nursing home abuse, Lawsuit Financial has excellent legal referral sources all over the country and our professional staff will locate you a top-notch legal specialist in your state. This is a free service for injury victims and their family members. If you are struggling financially during a nursing home personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit, consider leveraging Lawsuit Financial’s money to hold out for full case value. Visit us online, or call toll free 1-877-377-SUIT (7848) to discuss your financial needs or click here to complete a funding application.
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