Although the
majority of automobile accidents are due to driver error or driver distraction,
sometimes an auto accident is actually caused by poor road design, inadequate
signage, and dangerous road conditions such as inclement weather or the
presence of objects or debris on the roadway.
After months of investigating the July
Bay Bridge accident that propelled a vehicle into the water, the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has determined that driver distraction was
not the only cause of the accident. The tractor-trailer
driver was also unfamiliar with the bridge.
The NTSB report also found that between 2008 and 2010, the highest
concentration of accidents on the bridge occurred in the same area drawing
attention to the need for safety improvements.
Between daily
commuters and summer vacationers, congestion is not uncommon on the bridge,
especially after vehicles exit the toll plaza in 11 lanes and merge into the
bridge's two lanes ahead of its leftward curve over the water. Many say that tailgating is the leading cause
of accidents on the bridge.
Unfortunately, sometimes it takes accidents like this to directly force
changes in dangerous road conditions that can save lives.
The Maryland Transportation Authority's
recent announcement that it will spend $500,000 on new bridge safety signs,
including warnings that congestion is common and tailgating is prohibited. The signs will warn drivers of the speed
limit, the speed in which they are traveling, that their headlights must be on
while crossing the bridge, any congestion ahead, and that tailgating is
Lawsuit Financial is a leading provider of auto accident legal
finance services all over the country. As a provider of litigation funding services, we benefit, indirectly, from the filing of
lawsuits. Accidents and injuries result in lawsuits; investing in lawsuits is how we make our living. As such, we do not derive
an economic benefit from promoting safety measures for our roadways. We support
safety measures because it is the right thing to do; the safety of our citizens
is important to us and to every trial lawyer who has ever represented a
seriously injured person or the estate of their deceased loved ones. We
congratulate the MTA
for its beginning efforts to make the Bay Bridge
safer; we hope they continue to put safety first. Isn’t it is time for all of us to stand up
for safety?
We don’t know if
the victim filed a lawsuit against the negligent truck driver, but if so and she
is struggling to meet financial obligations, Lawsuit Financial may be able to help. Applying for
legal funding is often the perfect solution to pay the bills until case
settlement. We don’t charge upfront fees
or monthly payments. The best part is that the cash advance is not paid back
unless the plaintiff wins the case. It is easy to apply for lawsuit funding by phone or online. Once approved,
funds can be available within 24-48 hours by check or wire. Call Lawsuit
Financial at 1-877-377-SUIT (7848) or visit our website at The call is free;
the advice is priceless.
About Us
Lawsuit Financial
Corporation is a leader in the lawsuit funding industry and recognized by
attorneys nationwide as a preferred choice for legal funding services. We are dedicated to securing lawsuit cash
advances to plaintiffs based on case assessment only. Every case is thoroughly reviewed to ensure
the highest probability of being funded.
With a streamlined process, our professional staff works to ensure that
each request for funding is processed quickly and efficiently, with funding
available in as little as 24 hours. Lawsuit Financial prides itself on honest
and exceptional customer service.
Putting our clients, and their specific funding
needs, first is our number one goal.
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