Monday, February 17, 2014

Lawsuits Consolidated for Discovery Purposes after Fatal Natural Gas Explosion

Determining liability in a gas explosion often requires extensive investigation. Depending upon where the fault lies, a number of parties could be held liable. Whether the result was from a defective product or someone’s negligence, liability could fall upon the manufacturer, the gas company, or an installer or maintenance company.  If you have been the victim of gas explosion resulting to the negligence or wrongdoing of another, you may seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. You may also qualify for pre-settlement litigation funding.
Three lawsuits linked to a fatal Topeka natural gas explosion in January 2012 have been temporarily merged for discovery purposes.  The suits were filed on behalf of Lucinia Tolliver’s estate and her daughter, Tolliver’s insurance carrier, Family Mutual Insurance, and Lois Jones, her next-door neighbor.  Defendants in all three suits are Kansas Gas Service and Glen Niehues, doing business as Wetmore-based N-Line Lawn Service. Tolliver died four days after the explosion leveled her home.  Jones was seriously injured in her own home.  According to her lawsuit, the blast knocked Ms. Jones off her feet, propelling her airborne “and thereby causing her serious, painful and permanent injuries to her head, back and entire body resulting in pain and suffering for which she underwent extensive medical care and treatment, at great cost and expense.”

The suits contend N-Line negligently broke a KGS pipeline while digging to install lawn sprinkler systems for residential use, and KGS breached its duty to protect the public from explosions resulting from its operation of underground facilities.  Last April, the Kansas Corporation Commission fined N-Line $5,000 and ordered Kansas Gas to develop an emergency response plan to deal with incidents in the future.

Anytime someone is seriously injured or loses a loved one, it is devastating both emotionally and mentally. Additionally, there is likely to be a financial hardship. On top of all that comes the financial and emotional roller coaster of a lawsuit. Many families will wait several years for a settlement to be reached. This long, hard battle to reach justice may place an additional financial burden on a victim’s family. But this is no reason to settle for too little, too soon.

In order to avoid financial hardship and wait for a fair settlement, Lawsuit Financial offers pre-settlement lawsuit funding, a cash advance designed to help the plaintiff pay medical expenses, funeral expenses, mortgage, and monthly bills that pile up. It is a way to make ends meet while awaiting a lawsuit settlement. Lawsuit funding  puts time in the hands of the plaintiff to await justice; to give plaintiffs the fighting chance against the deep-pocket corporations an insurance company. This type of funding is risk-free and clients often obtain money within 24 - 48 hours. Funding is completely contingent on the outcome of the lawsuit so there is not need for credit checks or employment verification.  Nothing is paid until the case successfully settles; if the lawsuit fails, the cash advance is completely excused. Contact Lawsuit Financial and see how we can help.

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