Thursday, March 10, 2016

Gearing Up For A Safe Ride

The feeling of a warm day has motorcyclists ready to ride. Unfortunately, history shows a rise in temperatures also leads to a rise in crashes. Just this week, two people riding a motorcycle were killed when their bike hit a minivan in an intersection. Police said it appears the cyclists ran a red light, and neither victim was wearing a helmet.
Motorcycle accidents occur for numerous reasons, many of which can be prevented by taking the time to adopt safe riding practices. The importance of individual preparation for the new riding season is vastly underrated. Even the most experienced riders have to re-acclimate themselves back on the roadway after a long winter break. There are four basic factors to consider to ensure your ride is less likely to end in a motorcycle accident: your bike, your protective gear, your visibility, and how you ride.
  1. Maintain your Motorcycle. Check the bike before each ride including tire tread, air pressure, battery, headlights, oil and other fluids, frame and suspension.
  2. Dress to Ride. Wear protective eyewear and protective clothing (heavy-duty jacket and pants or riding suit, riding boots that cover the ankles, and gloves). Wear a helmet even if it is not required in your state. Generally speaking, those who wear a helmet suffer far fewer head injuries and/or are less seriously injured.
  3. Practice defensive riding. Position yourself to be seen. Avoid riding in blind spots, use turn signals, and be extra cautious when passing a vehicle.
  4. Ride safely. Follow the rules of the road. Obey speed limits and all traffic signals, and use hand signals for turning and slowing as well as your motorcycle’s turn signals and brake light. Don’t follow too closely and don’t weave in and out of lanes. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Riders should ride only within their skill limits and consider proper training and refresher courses.
Motorcycle accidents may also take place because of no fault of the cyclist. Approximately 75% of all motorcycle crashes involve a car or other vehicle. Roughly two thirds of the crashes are caused by driver negligence. Auto drivers should be aware of motorcycles at intersections and when the cyclist may be making a left turn or changing lanes, anticipate cyclist's maneuver, and not follow too closely behind a motorcycle.

Bottom line -- motorcyclists have the same rights and privileges as other drivers. Increased awareness, especially as the weather is warming up will result in increased safety.

About Lawsuit Financial
Lawsuit Financial Corporation is a pro-justice lawsuit funding company that seeks to educate plaintiffs and attorneys about lawsuit funding. Our company is an attorney owned and operated full service legal finance company recognized by attorneys nationwide as a preferred choice for legal funding services. Mark Bello, CEO and General Counsel, is recognized as an expert in this field, both as an underwriter of these transactions and as an advocate for appropriate treatment of plaintiffs/clients in this industry and in litigation. For more information, visit

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