Many electrocution victims may be counting on a settlement to pay their medical bills, funeral and burial expenses, and daily living expenses, but lawsuits are often vigorously defended against and can take years to settle. If you have a pending lawsuit resulting from an electrocution injury or death and are represented by an attorney, lawsuit funding may be the answer to financially withstand an extensive legal process.
During the Fourth of July weekend last year, two children, ages 8 and 13, were electrocuted by an "unknown source of electricity" while swimming near the boat dock at the family’s vacation home in the Lake of the Ozarks. Although witnesses performed CPR at the scene, the children were later declared dead at a nearby hospital. A lawsuit has been filed claiming that Union Electric (also known as Ameren Missouri) failed to inform dock owners the need to install ground fault interrupters, a requirement on docks and boat lifts which are exposed to moisture and wet conditions.
While some may be tempted to call this a "freak accident," it's important to realize that swimming electrocutions happen more often than most people think and are more likely to be the result of negligence. Determining liability in this case could take time. While an experienced attorney is essential to getting the best verdict and settlement; a legal funding expert is essential if the family is struggling to pay funeral and burial expenses and daily household expenses. To avoiding debt or settling their case too soon, for too little, a lawsuit cash advance could be the answer.
Lawsuit Financial provides non-recourse cash advances leveraged against future settlements. Once we review a funding application and talk to the plaintiff’s attorney, if the applicant is approved, cash can be available in as little as 24 hours later. There are no monthly payments until the case settles. Should the case not be successful, the family would have no obligation to pay us back; we take all the risk. There is really nothing to lose with lawsuit funding so if you have a pending lawsuit and struggling financially, visit us online to apply or call for a free, no-obligation consultation.
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